Who Gets the Original Copy of a Contract

When it comes to contracts, there can often be confusion about who gets the original copy. The answer depends on the type of contract and the parties involved.

In most cases, the original copy of a contract is given to the party that initiated the agreement. For example, if a company hires a contractor to perform services, the company will likely receive the original signed copy of the contract.

In some cases, both parties may receive an original signed copy of the contract. This is common in real estate transactions, where the buyer and seller each receive their own copy of the signed contract.

It`s important to note that parties can also choose to share an electronic copy of the contract instead of exchanging physical originals. Many businesses today use cloud-based document management systems that allow for the easy sharing and storing of electronic contracts.

Regardless of who receives the original copy, it`s important for all parties to keep a copy of the contract for their records. This can be helpful in the event of a dispute or if there are questions about the terms of the agreement.

It`s also worth noting that contracts often have specific language about the distribution of copies. For example, a non-disclosure agreement may require that all parties involved keep the terms of the agreement confidential and not share it with anyone beyond those involved in the agreement.

In short, who receives the original copy of a contract depends on the type of agreement and the parties involved. It`s important for all parties to keep a copy of the contract for their records and to follow any specific requirements outlined in the agreement.

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